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  • rachael0824

They Can Sleep Here Too

Every day here, I am amazed at just the thought of how old this house is. And the ruins attached to the house, the mill behind the house and more. Just today, we found another artifact in the dirt. Who knows how long is had been here! How did we get here? Sometimes it just boggles my mind.

Last night, we heard some loud noises upstairs. It seems like there would be an attic in the house. But there isn’t. At least, we haven’t found an entrance point yet. So when we went upstairs to investigate, we found nothing. Until this morning. When I went upstairs to get my clothes, I screamed at a critter in the window who was just as afraid of me. And we found out it was a ghiro. A little smaller than a squirrel. So cute. But the holes in all of the wood shutters show they love tp eat. I thought he or she would leave, but when I just went upstairs now, there are two. And fast asleep. They have piled leaves and debris and have made a nest. And now I’m reading they hibernate for six months. Now what? No question. They can sleep there.

We have no furniture yet. And we are far from replacing shutters. They can stay. They have just as big of a right to be here as we do. If not more of a right. Yes. I know we can’t have animals living in our house for the long haul. But for now, we aren’t up there. And they can sleep.

I feel very fortunate to be here in so many ways. But some days, I’m reminded that none of us truly own any part of this earth. Papers showing ownership are just something we’ve made up as humans. Wherever we are, it’s our responsibility to make that place better. Not worse. And we have a long way to go here. Some days like today, I have no idea how we will do it money wise or physically. But. We will do it. I know that. Because we are working for the animals too. No. Not the ghiros exactly. But future animals who need us. And a way we can use this property for them.


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