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  • rachael0824

Olives In My Shoe

There are some things in life that you just can’t predict. I would have never thought when I was a child that I would live in Italy. Truth be told, I only knew Italy had Italian food, which was my favorite. But I never thought I would even travel outside of our small town of Lutz, Florida.

I could also have never predicted that I would be restoring a forgotten house in Italy with a boy just met at a clogging class in Lutz, that we would get married, and thirty years later, find ourselves in Italy. Here I am. And today, I also had olives in my show. That’s a prediction I didn’t make either.

It all goes hand in hand. Foot in foot. Paw in paw.

One choice leads to another choice. One decision leads to a path with olives from your trees that seem to find their way into your shoes. I’m not unhappy about it. But I may need to get other shoes. I’ve been thru about 4 pairs since we got here.

Tomorrow, we have an Italian language test. The first test I have taken since junior high school. I was homeschooled from the eighth grade on. And tests were not required. They sure are now. And I’m nervous. I’m petrified. I’m beyond scared. And I don’t know if we will pass. We need to pass in the worst way. Our student visa, which allows us to stay here, depends on it. Yes. More details on all that later. Right now, I need to get the olives out of my shoe.


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