This wasn’t the first house that we wanted to make a home. Back in 2018, we were a few years in to full time RV travel with our dogs. And we found ourselves in Bodega Bay, California.
We were staying at a campground and walking my dogs in a neighborhood nearby. I saw a little red house. And I loved this house. I was drawn to this house. There was just something about it. It wasn’t for sale. But I made it my goal to find out who owned it. I did ultimately contact them. And after a lot of conversation, they decided that they would sell us the little house. I was ecstatic.
If you know Bodega Bay, you may know of the movie that was filmed there. And the birds that made that movie a masterpiece!
I had it all planned in my head. A crow filled little house. I was obsessed with the ravens and crows. So before the sale was final, I bought a cross stitch project to work on. I planned to work on it as we made our way to California. Because by this time, we were back in Florida wrapping up loose ends.
You might have guessed that the owners decided not to sell this little red house. And to keep it in their family. Although I more than understood, my heart was still devastated. I decided to put that project away and never thought of it again. I didn’t want to. I had decided not to ever let my hopes get up over a house. And years went by. We didn’t find another house so in our heart until 2023. And we got here last year to the house and land we named Under The Crow based on stream names here on the map. And the elusive Italian crows.
Under The Crow. We are here. And yesterday, I opened one of the few boxes we have with us. What did I first see? My project I had put away in 2018. The crows. The ravens. What had pictured home to me. Coincidence?
The last few months, I’ve known this house and project and us being here is more than us. We need to help the house, yes. But also help the animals and wildlife and plants and trees here too. The birds called us home. Nice to see you again.